

1.Identification of the Property 
  1a.Country [PDF 57KB]
  1b.Region [〃]
  1c.Name of property [〃]
  1d.Location and geographical coordinates [〃]
  1e.Maps showing boundary of area proposed for inscription [〃]
  1f.Area of property proposed for inscription [〃]
    Figure 1-1 Location of Shiretoko Peninsula in Japan [PDF 225KB]
    Figure 1-2 Location of Shiretoko Peninsula in Hokkaido [PDF 182KB]
    Figure 1-3 Location of the nominated site in Shiretoko Peninsula [PDF 174KB]
    Figure 1-4 Topography of the nomimated site [PDF 209KB]
    Figure 1-5 Vegetation of the nomimated site [PDF 209KB]
    Figure 1-6 Zones of legal protection [PDF 170KB]
2.Justification for Inscription 
  2a.Statement of significance [PDF 300KB]
  2b.Comparative analysis with other World Heritage sites [〃]
  2c.Criteria under which inscription is proposed and justification [〃]
  2d.Integrity [〃]
  3a.Description of property [PDF 95KB]
  3a. 1 Topography and geology [〃]
  3a. 2 Climate [〃]
    Figure 3-2 Annual precipition(Japan Meteorological Agency, 2002) [PDF 68KB]
  3a. 3 Sea ice [PDF 172KB]
  3a. 4 The marine ecosystem under the sea ice around Shiretoko [〃]
  3a. 5 Plants [PDF 208KB]
  3a. 6 Animals [PDF 271KB]
  3a. 7 Utilization of natural resources [〃]
  3b.Human history and development [〃]
  3c.Form and date of most recent records of property [PDF 189KB]
  3d.Present state of conservation [〃]
  3e.Policies and programs promoting the property [〃]
  4a.Ownership [PDF 88KB]
  4b.Legal status [〃]
    Figure 4-1-a Onnebetsudake Wilderness Area [PDF 137KB]
    Figure 4-1-b Shiretoko National Park [PDF 140KB]
    Figure 4-1-c Shiretoko forest Ecosystem Reserve Figure [PDF 136KB]
    Figure 4-1-d Shiretoko National Wildlife Protection Area [PDF 179KB]
    Figure 4-2 National Forests Area [PDF 89KB]
  4c.Protective measures and implementation [PDF 79KB]
  4d.Management authority [〃]
  4e.Management level and contact information [PDF 80KB]
  4f.Agreed plans related to property [〃]
  4g.Sources and levels of finance [〃]
  4h.Sources of expertise and training in conservation and management techniques [〃]
  4i.Visitor facilities and statistics [〃]
  4j.Property management plan and objectives [PDF 170KB]
  4k.Staffing levels [〃]
5.Factors Affecting the Property 
  5a.Development pressures [PDF 127KB]
  5b.Environmental pressures [〃]
  5c.Natural disasters and preparedness [〃]
  5d.Visitor and tourism pressures [〃]
  5e.Number of inhabitants within the property [〃]
  6a.Key indicators for measuring state of conservation [PDF 60KB]
  6b.Administrative arrangements for monitoring property [〃]
  6c.Results of previous reporting exercises [〃]
  7a.Slides and DVD [PDF 116KB]
  7b.Copies of property management plans and extracts of other plans relevant to the property [〃]
  7c.Bibliography [〃]
  7d.Address where inventory, records and archives are held [〃]
8.Signature on behalf of the State Party [PDF 45KB]